Eileen’s Photo Album

Eileen’s Photo Album

Eileen’s  Photo  Album notes

Download Eileen’s Complete Album Here

Eileen’s  album is in pretty tough shape. The book is falling apart and pages are loose.  You will find that the order in which it is scanned in not that great.


Photo 001:  According to Auntie Pat, Jack Cochill is Bill Muir’s step brother.  Again I am not sure how Bill Muir fits into the Family.  Pat has stated that there are errors in Bill’s accounting of the family history.

Photo 005:  Larry Doran – BCGNIS Query results Doran Creek

Lattitude              53⁰11’45”

Longitude            122⁰30’30”

Gazetteer map  93G/2

Relative Location:             Flows S into Nelson Kenny Creek just N of Quesnel, Cariboo Land District

Adopted  22 January, 1990 on 93G/2

“named to remember RCAF Pilot Office William Lawrence Doran, J86233, from Bralorne, enlisted Kamloops; serving as Wireless Operator / Air Gunner with 408 Squadron when he wass killed in action 15 March, 1944, age 29 Buried in Hisenheim Communal Cemetery, Bas-Rhin, France, collective grave 4. Survived by wife Marjorie Evelyn Doran, Edmonton, Alberta, nd parents William John and Jessie Hearst Doran.”

Photo 008:  I am guessing with this group but Mom had a friend whose family owned the Army & Navy department stores.  I can remember going to Vancouver and going up to the offices in the Hasting Street store to visit.  I seem to recall their last name was Cohen and this certainly ties in with the menorah.

Photos 022 & 023:  You can see by mom’s comments that Jessie did have a favourite child.

Photos 034 to 038:  These photos show Bob Olsen Jr as a baby along with Ab and Myrtle Olsen (Ab was Bob Sr.’s Brother) and friends of Pat and Bob’s  Bill, Marian, and daughter Mary.

Photos 039, 044, & 045: According to Auntie Pat , Henry’s brother Frank married Muriel and they had two children Frank and Ross

Photo 053: Eileen –the license plate on the car is 1948 so that will  some date previous pictures

Photos 063, 067:  these and others maybe were take at Jessie’s house in Nanaimo.  The baby in these two are the same.

Photos 108 thru 117:  I believe these are all take at Qualicum River Provincial Park, abt 1948.

Photo 134:  Yarding with steam on sproat lake.  Discussions about this A-frame can be found in Trevor Goodall’s  book  Memories of the Alberni Valley.

Photo 165:  ther are a number of photos showing Massace Island (down by Bishops Landing).  Notice the old mill site down by Smith’s landing, now Sproat lake Provincial Park.  Trevor Goodall  also mentions this.

Photo 184:  A couple of notes:  The Mill site and Rail trestle is visible in this and a few previous photos.  When I was young I used to go over there an muck around.  There were sort of ½ underground houses my dad said were built by the Chinese, I used to collect mint leaves.  This area lies between the community hall and the Park.  We used to be able to ride our bikes along the railway grade from the park to the community hall.  There were cement foundations for the mill still exposed in th 1960’s.  About the float house – It originally was moored in Weiner Bay seen in many photos including the one with Herb Muscamp, and the photos show moving it across the lake.  I remember seeing this on the lake moored to the west of Reeve’s court, between the old house and the new house (where the green mail boxes were).  I always  thought that’s where they moved it to.  By the way when I lived at the lake it was painted a weird shade of pink.  This and other photos show it down near Bishops landing, closer to Massace Island.

Photos 188 and 192:  I question whether or not these were taken in Weiner bay or on Faber road.

Photos 217 and 218:  FYI there are photos of David & Hilma, Jack & Eileen,  Jack & Mick, and Mick and Fatima with this bell.  I believe that it is now inside the provincial museum behind glass