Grey Binder Photo’s

Grey Binder Photo’s

Gray Binder photos


The photos in this binder were given to me by Dad.  He had gone over many of these me and I hope many of these will make sense.  This Binder is quite a hodgepodge of photos so I will attempt to put them in certain folders that make sense to me.    Known photos of Lindgren and perhaps there is more than one side of the family here will be placed under Danes..  I do not know if we are able to check Danish census records to piece together this part of the family but there are groups of names, cousins in particular.  We may assume that these could be Emma’s cousins, on which side I do not know


Gray Binder Photos 001:  This photo of Florence was taken in Victoria.  The back says “Mrs. Forrest 727 Princess Victoria.

Gray Binder Photos 002:  I am assuming here that this photo is of Emma Lindgren’s mother.  Presently I am calling her Charolette.   I could be confused…I have not consulted my family tree to see if I have researched this yet.


Gray Binder Photos 009 to

It appears by the inscriptions on the rear of these photos (in Danish & broken English) that Hilma had cousins in Denmark.  Aunt Ida had three daughters Ida (called Ida2 here), Agda, and Towe.  Last name Olsen

Photos 025 & 026:  These were taken in 1922 and are quite a puzzle.  The backs of these are in Danish but I picked out the following names: Hilda, Hedrig, Ida Olsen, Hedrig Bedstemor (sp), Towe Petersen,  Agda Olsen,  uncle Georges, and uncle Frantz (sp). There seems to be a place name on the back, “Gardenkassemen  Paasken” (sp).  The question arises did Hilma make a trip to Denmark or did the group come to Canada in 1922?

Photos 025 & 029:  These appear to me the same people in both pictures.  Who travelled to Canada in 1925?

Photos 022, 023, 025, 026, & 028 seem to have the same handwriting on the back.

Photos 030 to 035: These show a small home, man, woman and two children.  Who are they?

Photo 036: this photo was a key to identifying some photos in the blue binder (012 thru’ 015, 026, 027).  The question is who wrote the inscription: ”Mamma & Grandma Aunties Hilma, Edith Hedrig and Selma” and to whom?

Photo 057:  I think this is union bay with the trestle in the background. A & B livery may refer to Alex McLoed and Belle Cook

Photos 074 à 079: backs are written in Danish photos  074 to 078 refer to the previously mentioned Idas.  We have learned that Ida1 is Yida Olsen and Ida2 is Yida and in some cases Yida Lewisen

Photos 096, 098, 099, & 105 may revolve around Eileen’s brother Larry’s son Billie

Photos 106, 107, & 108:  I believe that these are somehow related to Carl Smitha’s wife Marie, could they be her parents?

Photo 131: Carol Smitha .  Notice the red brick house.  This could be the same location as some of the photos of Hilma.  This was taken April 9th, 1936.  Maybe US census records could give us the location.

Photos 141 to 146:  Taken at “Fern Cottage” in the Catskill Mountains in July 1937

Photo 161 has info on Robert and Leonard Smitha wrt military service

Photo 163:  this could be Hilma, does not appear to be Florence compare with photos  known to be Hilma

Photos 170 to 173 are Jack’s baby photos.  One of these are in Hilma’s album dated 1925.

Photo 179 check with other photos to verify Jack

Photos 191, 193, & 194: These appear to be WW1 photos

Photos 189, 190, 196, 197, 205, 227, 228, and 260 to 264: war photos of carl taken from same roll of film. We can assume that they are all at the point and around date of departure and before August 1941.  As Port Alberni is in these pictures perhaps there was some training at the Glenwood Camp, later Glenwood school where I attended garade 3 and 4.  In Alberni where the forersty station was , there also was sort of some army facility, perhaps reserves?

Photos 206 to 209 give the impression that Dave and Hilma saw Carl off to war 1941.  These were taken at  “Borden Boot Camp”.

Photo 225:  Blondie, Dave and Hilma’s dogs real given name was Blondella.

Photos 250 to :

Photo 280:  I believe the house across the street lived Kim Campbell (canada’s PM) I used to play with her as a child

Photos 299 to 302 are taken in November 1947 at Carl and Marie Smitha’s home in the US

Photos 304 & 305 are take with the same roll of film may be on Moms side of the family. Faces of the old couple are familiar to me

Photos  307, 308 and 311 are take with the same roll of film

Photo 316:  fyi  moms dad is buried at Mountain view cemetery, Vancouver

Photo 317:  mom’s writing on the back: “16 months old” If it is Billy, he was killed in a house fire

Photos 361 & 362:  This photo contains the following:  Annie Hearst Skidmore (granny),  above her is William (Bill) Muir ( I don’t really know his relationship but is a in;law to some one—perhaps Arlene has Bill Muirs family tree),  “Turk” Skidmore, Margret Skidmore,  Jean , Isabelle Skidmore, Lorna Skidmore (Henry and Beth’s Daughter),  Ina, Nola,  Dave , Bob, “Mac” (perhaps Ralph MacDonald, Beth Skidmore’s brother), and Noah Jr.

Photo 363 Pat Doran works in the Airforce recruitment office during WWII

Photo 377: Francis (Skidmore) Rowe is Jessie’s sister and mother of Howard Rowe

Photo 389:  Auntie Pat gave me the description “ Laura and “adopted” Larry””  what ever that means

Photo 404:  Don’t know the dog, but observant Lindsay points out that the shadow in 371 has the same bow

Photo 429:  the back reads:  “June 1950  Eugene Oregon   Merilee is just turned  9 months  in this picture”.

Photos 431 to 434:  Bill Willet operated A Piledriver so I am assuming this could be one of his worksites.  Bill & Jessie Willet lived in Nanaimo for a short time while Bill was working, so perhaps this could be an island location.

Photos 436 to 444 are taken on the same roll of film   I remember the bear cages.

Photos  449 to 452, 454, 456, 457, 460 – 462, 466, 468 – 470,  :  According to Auntie Pat the “Fern” lady is in question.  Pat said that she thought  she was mom’s Maid of honour or bridesmaid. In photo 470 she wrote on the back “Eileen’s aunts place”, meaning Uncle Henry Skidmore’s place in Nanaimo.  Therefore she is probably not related to mom.  However, she poses rather friendly with Frank Skidmore (he lived in Ladysmith), yet there are too many photos of her in mom’s pictures.  I would sure like to know!

Photo 474:  back says Bobby age 3 years.  Question is whose bobby?  Initiall I thought it could be at the old house, but we never had that garage,  the rock wall stones are too small and we never grew corn that I new of.  Help


Photo 477:  Arnold and Billy Bralorne.  Armold was Grace’s brother (Larry Doran’s first wife.  Billy died in a house fire in Feb 1941.  It is believed that grace divorced Larry over her grief.  Larry remarried  Marjorie Conghlan

Photo 479: who are Leah (4 yrs) and Donnie (2 ¾ yrs)??

Photo 489: Auntie Pat had told me that Carolyn was Larry”s first wife.  Their son Blaine died as a teenager in Toronto.

Photo 548 and 549:  The unknown may be Molly’s mother, “grandma” Crowe





Carl Smitha Family

Danes Family

Eileen’s Family

Jack and Eileen’s Honeymoon

Smitha Family

